To install Prelude To Pestilence simple put the folder titled "Prelude To Pestilence" into the scenarios folder. It will be in the same place as the "City Of Bywater" folder. Thats it!
If you have registered your copy of the Realmz driver, the next time you run Realmz, "Prelude To Pestilence" will appear under the adventure menu. Select "Prelude To Pestilence" and then select "Begin New Adventure" Build your party and have fun.
Registering Prelude To Pestilence
The registration code to register "Prelude To Pestilence" is NOT the same as that you used to register the game driver. Each scenario for Realmz must be registered seperatly. It's only $15 to register "Prelude To Pestilence". To register send the registration fee along with your real name and mailing address (e-mail address too) to:
Fantasoft, LLC
P.O. Box 1844
Waukesha, WI 53187-1844
Version 1.5.5 or higher of the manual also has a registration form in chapter 3 that you can print out.
Tim Phillips
Fantasoft, LLC
For any bug reports regarding the scenario please e-mail us at:
CompuServe: 74163,45
For any bug reports regarding the game driver please e-mail us at: